The Cy-Fair Educational Foundation is a non-profit organization that relies on the support of the community and countless individuals who dedicate their time, talent, and/or treasure to support the Foundation. This blog will give an overview of our Board of Trustees and the important role that they serve.
Our Foundation currently has 57 trustees and can have a maximum of 65 trustees. The Board of Trustees consists of both a Leadership Committee and trustees. There are several positions that make up the Leadership Committee including Chair, Chair Elect, Vice Chair, Treasurer, Scholarship Chair, Immediate Past Chair, Secretary, and several at large positions. The Board of Trustees is essential in strategic decision-making and the future direction of the Foundation. The CFEF hosts four major fundraising events on an annual basis; each event has a planning committee. We also have several committees that perform important functions: the Executive Committee, the Nominating Committee, the Scholarship Committee, the Finance Committee, and the Audit Committee.
We would also like to announce that we have four new trustees who were elected June 1. Their names are Jessica Claros, John Price, Jill Smith, and Kyle Stanzel. If you would like to view our current Board of Trustees, click here. If you would like to learn more about the structure of our organization, click here. To stay up-to-date on everything happening at the Cy-Fair Educational Foundation, make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and LinkedIn! Today’s Students, Tomorrow’s Future!