In the 29 years since the B.F. Adam Golf Classic was first held, more than $2.7 million has been raised to fund CFEF efforts to provide CFISD students with scholarships. Improving access to college and positively impacting quality of life in our community are the foundation of our vision. Over the course of our 46 year history, we have awarded more than $7 million in scholarships and $2 million in staff development grants.
But we can’t do it without you.
We would love for you to join us on the course, and we invite you to explore ways to support the event as an official sponsor. We also hope you will consider making a digital donation, particularly if your schedule prevents you from attending; we still count on your support.
Donate Online
You can make a donation directly through our website today—or any time. You can also opt to make a recurring monthly donation. If your employer matches donations, don’t forget to check that box
Donate via Text
A fast, simple way to make a difference is to simply text CFEF to 243725 to make your donation.
Donate with Amazon Smile
Make donating simple by choosing Cy Fair Educational Foundation as your organization of choice at Amazon Smile ( Amazon automatically donates 0.5 percent of your eligible Amazon Smile purchases every time you shop.
Don’t forget to connect with us online! You can find CFEF on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and YouTube. You can also sign up for our monthly newsletter to learn about upcoming fundraising events.